The Transitional Learning Academy is a private school operated by United Community Options of Miami (formerly United Cerebral Palsy of Miami). All students are working on their individualized transition plan. Our primary goal is to address the diverse learning needs of each student in a results-oriented process that allows the student a seamless transition into post-secondary programming and life. Educational staff and therapists work with students on targeted academic and functional daily living skills that promote growth and movement. We educate students from a range of communities throughout Miami and specialize in creating a unique experience for our students and their families.
Mission Statement
To provide our students with creative and innovative educational and social experiences that help them grow towards their full potential.
Vision Statement
We envision a future where our students thrive through transformative and pioneering educational and social experiences, igniting their creative spirit and nurturing them toward the realization of their fullest potential.
Reach Out
Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or assistance.